technical-discuss - Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements
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Subject: InCommon Technical Discussions
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- From: Scott Koranda <>
- To: Nick Roy <>
- Cc: "Cantor, Scott" <>, "" <>
- Subject: Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements
- Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2017 07:14:38 -0600
- Ironport-phdr: 9a23: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
> And for HTTPS Logo URL:
> - Must result in an HTTP 200 in response to a GET request
> - Image must be either a PNG or JPG
> - Image must be 80 pixels in width by 60 in height
I have avoided trying to be specific with my desire for the baseline
requirements for logo since any requirement for logo is new to InCommon.
I am pleasantly surprised to see that you are considering requiring
sensible formats (PNG/JPG) and a required size (80 x 60). Thanks!
As long as you are going this far...
Do you want to add this?
- Image must have a transparent background
Without a transparent background the logos can look "funny" (or
downright obnoxious) when embedded into a discovery service or IdP login
page that has made its own choice for color scheme.
Thanks for your consideration,
Scott K
- [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/08/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/08/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Cantor, Scott, 11/08/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/08/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Cantor, Scott, 11/08/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Rhys Smith, 11/08/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Alan Buxey, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Rhys Smith, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Alan Buxey, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Alan Buxey, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Rhys Smith, 11/08/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Scott Koranda, 11/09/2017
- RE: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Cantor, Scott, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, David Langenberg, 11/09/2017
- RE: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Farmer, Jacob, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, David Langenberg, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Alan Buxey, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Scott Koranda, 11/09/2017
- RE: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Farmer, Jacob, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Scott Koranda, 11/09/2017
- RE: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Farmer, Jacob, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Scott Koranda, 11/09/2017
- RE: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Farmer, Jacob, 11/09/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Cantor, Scott, 11/08/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/08/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Cantor, Scott, 11/08/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/08/2017
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