technical-discuss - Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements
Subject: InCommon Technical Discussions
List archive
- From: Nick Roy <>
- To:
- Subject: Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements
- Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2017 09:23:21 -0700
- Authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ) ;
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On 11/15/17 8:25 AM, Steven Carmody wrote:
> I think InCommon is already past the point where the "profile" of a
> typical installation/site/sysadmin has drastically changed from the
> early days. Growth has brought changes. A major implication of that
> statement is that the type of documentation that IC provides will have
> to change. The TAC was recently discussing whether its now reasonable
> to expect that a campus sysadmin would know how to "create" a local
> proxy server. The errorURL documentation is another example of this
> question -- I believe its exhaustively documented for some sysadmins,
> but under-documented for a growing proportion of the IC member sites.
> re "I would suggest that the community start working groups ... to
> determine what the requirements are"
> I think that's a great idea, but I'm not aware of any process that
> could be used to do that.
> Since this is a Policy Issue, shouldn't the AAC create a WG ?
That seems like the right place to me, but I'm not authoritative on that
in any way.
> On 11/14/17 3:52 PM, Nick Roy wrote:
>> The errorURL is exhaustively documented at:
>> The mdui:PrivacyStatementURL is less thoroughly documented in the
>> following places:
>> IdP:
>> SP:
>> The SP privacy statement documentation offers a bit of a chicken-and-egg
>> problem in that it refers to the POP, which will be deprecated by
>> Baseline Expectations.
>> If the community wants guidance on what it expects of itself in these
>> documents, I would suggest that the community start working groups or
>> something to determine what the requirements are. The 'testables' that
>> InCommon operations will be checking for are merely the existence of the
>> relevant URLs in metadata and that they give an HTTP 200 in response to
>> a GET.
>> Nick
>> On 11/14/17 1:45 PM, Steven Carmody wrote:
>>> I assume IC will be providing guidance for both the Privacy Statement
>>> and the errorURL page ?
>>> I think IC should list the points related to Federated Authentication
>>> that should be covered in the Privacy Statement, while making it clear
>>> that this list is a minimum, and other topics can also be addressed.
>>> With the errorURL page, I think IC could be rather specific in its
>>> suggestions about both content and layout, in order to achieve some
>>> level of consistency from site to site.
>>> Without some guidance, I think we'll merely repeat our experience with
>>> the LOGO images.
>>> On 11/10/17 4:09 PM, Nick Roy wrote:
>>>> Here's an updated version of the wiki, please review:
>>>> Nick
>>>> On 11/10/17 8:52 AM, Nick Roy wrote:
>>>>> Nice
>>>>> I'm going to collate all the info from this discussion and update the
>>>>> wiki page and our internal gdoc with the info today.
>>>>> Nick
>>>>> On 11/10/17 8:35 AM, David Shafer wrote:
>>>>>> FYI, here is Facebook’s policy for app icons, which seems to work
>>>>>> pretty well:
>>>>>> “4. Icons:
>>>>>> a. Use a transparent or colored background. If your icon requires a
>>>>>> white background, use a colored border.
>>>>>> b. If your logo has a drop shadow, use a colored background.”
>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From:
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> on behalf of Nick
>>>>>> Roy
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 4:05 PM
>>>>>> To: Chris Phillips
>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>> "Farmer, Jacob"
>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>> "Cantor, Scott"
>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>> ""
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations
>>>>>> Metadata Requirements
>>>>>> I'll point out that the SSL test is a *recommended* piece but
>>>>>> *not
>>>>>> required* in the current specification of Baseline
>>>>>> Expectations.
>>>>>> To restate what I've heard so far:
>>>>>> Logo URL:
>>>>>> - results in a 200 via HTTP GET
>>>>>> - is a PNG with a transparent background / alpha channel
>>>>>> (because JPG
>>>>>> does not support transparency)
>>>>>> - is 80w x 20h
>>>>>> SSL for endpoints:
>>>>>> - subject to InCommon operations' running of SSL scans
>>>>>> (exact nature to
>>>>>> be determined by operations)
>>>>>> - operations may save and act on information about the quality
>>>>>> of SSL at
>>>>>> its discretion
>>>>>> (no minimum grade or other requirement related to SSL)
>>>>>> errorURL:
>>>>>> - results in a 200 via HTTP GET, other results cause a
>>>>>> warning but not a
>>>>>> full failure of the baseline tests
>>>>>> (do we need to say something about 302 and maximum depth to
>>>>>> chase
>>>>>> referrals before lack of a 200 causes failure?)
>>>>>> How does that look?
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>> On 11/9/17 8:47 AM, Chris Phillips wrote:
>>>>>> > Great dialogue on this.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Maybe it would be better to define what’s not acceptable
>>>>>> regarding a grade and what’s a reasonable duration to remediate.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Highest grade (A+) preferred but no lower than C on ssllabs
>>>>>> and no longer than say X days below this band of acceptance.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > This gives latitude to maneuver when the tools change
>>>>>> underneath one’s feet and dependencies to catch up.
>>>>>> > Jacob’s example is great in this regard. If his group didn’t
>>>>>> care about it (or know to test that way) then how would he have
>>>>>> pushed for the change to get back into compliance and hence
>>>>>> pressured the vendor to step up?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > That said, things like Poodle SSLv3 and other future events
>>>>>> we know will happen will change ranking from A+ to F overnight.
>>>>>> Using the idea of X days to come into compliance allows us to
>>>>>> respond commensurate with the risk. It also allows us to simply be
>>>>>> users of the tool which is not our core mission – we just want the
>>>>>> output to inform our decisions.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > C
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On 2017-11-09, 9:53 AM, "Farmer, Jacob"
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> on behalf of
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Nick,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I like the Qualys SSL scanner and we use it often. Given
>>>>>> my history, though, I
>>>>>> > am reluctant to rely on it for this kind of thing. A
>>>>>> real-world story from the
>>>>>> > last few years: Qualys made a change to the scanner
>>>>>> which caused sites we
>>>>>> > manage that were in the A range to fall into the B+
>>>>>> range. I don't recall all
>>>>>> > of the details about why; I think it had to do with
>>>>>> cipher suites. Our load
>>>>>> > balancer -- a widely deployed product on its current
>>>>>> version -- could not be
>>>>>> > adjusted to bring it back up to A. There was something
>>>>>> in the configuration
>>>>>> > that Qualys simply didn't like and there was no way to
>>>>>> fix it until a vendor
>>>>>> > patch shipped.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I'm glad that we took the time to get it figured out,
>>>>>> but I also don't think
>>>>>> > that the quality of SSL was meaningfully degraded in the
>>>>>> interim.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I support the idea of defining "good TLS" but I am
>>>>>> reluctant to rely on this
>>>>>> > scanner to define it.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Jacob
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> > From:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> [mailto:]
>>>>>> On
>>>>>> Behalf Of Nick Roy
>>>>>> > Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 4:59 PM
>>>>>> > To: Cantor, Scott
>>>>>> <>;
>>>>>> > Subject: Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline
>>>>>> Expectations Metadata
>>>>>> > Requirements
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On 11/8/17 1:58 PM, Cantor, Scott wrote:
>>>>>> > >> RECOMMENDED:
>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>> > >> SSL certificates on endpoints are valid
>>>>>> > > That seems like a slippery slope: valid re: dates?
>>>>>> Specific CAs? Key sizes?
>>>>>> > > What about ciphers, or use of TLS 1.0, etc.?
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > Requiring a logo is, I think, underspecified, we
>>>>>> should mandate specific
>>>>>> > > size(s).
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > I'd like to see errorURL be required with guidance
>>>>>> around what should be
>>>>>> > > behind it.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > We think errorURL should be included as well, but since
>>>>>> it was not part of the
>>>>>> > 'required' elements that AAC specified (AAC assumed
>>>>>> errorURL was part of the
>>>>>> > mdui: information, and it is not) that means this would
>>>>>> have to go back to ACC
>>>>>> > to make errorURL a separate required element.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Agree re: specific requirements for SSL and logo.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Here is my proposed requirement for SSL for endpoints
>>>>>> (since it's recommended
>>>>>> > but not required):
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > - Achieve a grade of A on the Qualys SSL scanner [1]
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > And for HTTPS Logo URL:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > - Must result in an HTTP 200 in response to a GET
>>>>>> request
>>>>>> > - Image must be either a PNG or JPG
>>>>>> > - Image must be 80 pixels in width by 60 in height
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > [1]
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Let me know if you think this is something that would
>>>>>> better be discussed in
>>>>>> > detail by the Ops Advisory Group or in some other venue.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thank you,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Nick
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > -- Scott
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, (continued)
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/13/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, David Langenberg, 11/13/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/14/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, David Langenberg, 11/14/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Ann West, 11/14/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/14/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Steven Carmody, 11/14/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/14/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Steven Carmody, 11/15/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Alan Buxey, 11/15/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/15/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/15/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/15/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Nick Roy, 11/10/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Tom Barton, 11/10/2017
- Re: [InC-Technical] InCommon Baseline Expectations Metadata Requirements, Steven Carmody, 11/10/2017
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