ad-assurance - [AD-Assurance] Radius NTLMv1
Subject: Meeting the InCommon Assurance profile criteria using Active Directory
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- From: Ron Thielen <>
- To: "" <>
- Subject: [AD-Assurance] Radius NTLMv1
- Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 18:43:35 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
I don’t think we ever sufficiently addressed the issue of Radius using NTLMv1 to talk with the DC.
We address the fact that using PEAP-MS-CHAPv2 deals with the communication between the supplicant and the Radius server, but Radius servers which rely on Samba use NTLMv1 between the Radius server and a DC.
When you research this you may find references to an unsupported patch for Samba that “fixes” the issue.
Apparently all the fix does is flip a bit which tells the DC “I know this is NTLMv1, but I want you treat it as NTLMv2.”
That doesn’t really address the issue.
From what I have found there is no easy fix for freeradius, steel belted radius, or others that use Samba code. I think what we are left with here at my shop are three options. 1)
Leave NTLMv1 turned on for everyone, but tunnel all Radius AuthN traffic to the DC over a protected channel.
Since I started my monitor and mitigate program about a year ago, I have only seen a handful of non-Radius NTLMv1 authentications.
I may leave NTLMv1 turned on and continue monitor and mitigate. 2)
Move Radius to a Windows implementation.
Apparently the Windows version uses the LSAS and can then support NTLMv2. 3)
Change Radius to use a separate DC still supports NTLMv1 but uses a protected channel between the DC and Radius.
That way I can turn off NTLMv1 support on the main domain.
This has several big downsides and probably is a non-starter.
For example, all the supplicants would have to authenticate to a different domain causing havoc on the day of the change.
It would also require one more credential sync between LDAP and this new DC. Am I missing something? Ron |
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- [AD-Assurance] Radius NTLMv1, Ron Thielen, 01/29/2014
- [AD-Assurance] RE: Radius NTLMv1, Coleman, Erik C, 01/29/2014
- Re: [AD-Assurance] Radius NTLMv1, David Walker, 01/30/2014
- RE: [AD-Assurance] Radius NTLMv1, Ron Thielen, 01/30/2014
- Re: [AD-Assurance] Radius NTLMv1, David Walker, 01/31/2014
- Re: [AD-Assurance] Radius NTLMv1, Ann West, 01/31/2014
- Re: [AD-Assurance] Radius NTLMv1, David Walker, 01/31/2014
- RE: [AD-Assurance] Radius NTLMv1, Ron Thielen, 01/30/2014
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