oidc-survey - Re: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting
Subject: OIDC Survey Working Group
List archive
- From: Alan Crosswell <>
- To: David Walker <>
- Cc: , , , Dedra Chamberlin <>, Gary Chapman <>, , , , , , , , , , "Wu, Albert" <>, ,
- Subject: Re: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 10:02:14 -0400
- Ironport-phdr: 9a23:mUs07xfX49CG0eM2QzV/sRF6lGMj4u6mDksu8pMizoh2WeGdxc2zbR7h7PlgxGXEQZ/co6odzbGJ4+a9AidZvN6oizMrTt9lb1c9k8IYnggtUoauKHbQC7rUVRE8B9lIT1R//nu2YgB/Ecf6YEDO8DXptWZBUj22Dwd+J/z0F4jOlIz3krnqo9yAKzlP0Ra0f7J+ZCq/qQbcrIFCjZRrLqU80DPIpGdFYeJb2TkuKF6OyUXS/MC1qbdn+iIYkOgm7NVfXKH+N/AxSbVeJD8hN30w7szi8xTPUF3ctTMnTmwKn08QUED+5xbgU8K063Oiuw==
Sorry I'm not there for TechEx. I've been experimenting with a number of OAuth2/OIDC implementations with the primary focus of integrating with MuleSoft API Gateway (commercial product). I briefly looked at MitreID Connect, then kind of landed on WSO2-IS and OpenAM, with PingFederate on the to-do list. According to MuleSoft documentation (which doesn't always match reality), their cloud integration product only supports OpenAM or PingFederate (both commercial products; OpenAM is CDDL fake open source). I may have this wrong. One can certainly use any OAuth2/OIDC OP for Oauth2 flows, but MuleSoft also needs to register the same client credentials for things like SLA-based rate-limiting and throttling policies, client registration and approval workflows, operational metrics collection and so on.
The goals I am trying to achieve are:
- easy API consumer workflow to register clients
- federation support for authorization code workflow with SAML (Shib or CAS), social (Facebook, Google, etc.)
- access token validation and exposure of OIDC subject and valid scopes to the Mulesoft app (via HTTP headers passed from the API GW policy engine)
- This can be an OIDC JWT, or an online method of token introspection like RFC7662. I prefer to avoid proprietary (undocumented) online token validation.
Open questions/wants/wishes for me are:
- User/subject approval of individual scopes (OpenAM and WSO2-IS approvals appear to be all or nothing, but maybe I just haven't studied them enough)
- Questionable whether early access token revocation (before expiration) is a requirement or not.
- Mulesoft's OAuth2 API GW Policies cache the validation (using an undocumented validation endpoint but likely using userinfo/tokeninfo endpoints) for the life of the access token so as to avoid hitting the OP too much.
- JWT's are of course offline so have no early revocation option.
So maybe it's just a question of how much exposure time post-revocation we are worried about which determines the lifetime of the access token.
For those using MuleSoft Anypoint Platform for API Gateway policy management, I've got an alpha-quality OAuth2 RFC7662 introspect validation policy here. Currently does not cache so performance will be poor. There's also a JWT validation policy by Mulesoft here.
On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 5:31 PM, David Walker <> wrote:
I've posted some quick notes from today's lunch meeting on our wiki space (https://spaces.internet2.edu/
x/5wYZBg ). Please fix my mistakes and omissions.I've also added instructions for subscribing to our mailing list on the wiki. ("To subscribe this list, email with the subject line subscribe oidc-survey.") Please do so soon, as I make no promises to continue to send to all of you individually in the future...
Alan Crosswell
Assoc. VP & CTO

- Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting, David Walker, 09/26/2016
- Re: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting, Alan Crosswell, 09/27/2016
- RE: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting, Eric Goodman, 09/30/2016
- Re: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting, Alan Crosswell, 09/30/2016
- Re: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting, Wu, Albert, 09/30/2016
- Re: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting, Patrick Radtke, 09/30/2016
- Re: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting, Alan Crosswell, 09/30/2016
- Re: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting, Alan Crosswell, 09/30/2016
- Re: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting, Alan Crosswell, 09/30/2016
- Re: Quick notes from today's OIDC Survey meeting, Alan Crosswell, 09/30/2016
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