inc-ops-notifications - [InCommon NOTICE] Fw: Shibboleth IdPv3 Office Hours Tues, July 12
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Subject: InCommon Operations Notifications
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- From: Thomas Scavo <>
- To: "" <>
- Cc: InCommon Administration <>
- Subject: [InCommon NOTICE] Fw: Shibboleth IdPv3 Office Hours Tues, July 12
- Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 19:30:30 +0000
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Just in case you didn't see the announcement on the participants list, here's
the skinny on Shibboleth IdP V3 Office Hours to be held tomorrow, Tuesday,
July 12 at the indicated time. Please share this info widely within your
on behalf of Dean Woodbeck
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 1:47 PM
Subject: [InC] Shibboleth IdPv3 Office Hours Tues, July 12
Shibboleth IdPv3 Office Hours
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
11:30 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Have questions about upgrading to the Shibboleth Identity Provider version 3?
Have you started the process and have questions? Join members of the InCommon
Shibboleth Installation training team for office hours on Tuesday, July 12,
between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm (EDT). They will entertain both general and
technical questions. No need to attend for the whole time - think of the
faculty "office hours" during your college days.
End of life for Version 2 of the Identity Provider software is scheduled for
July 31, 2016. Questions will be taken by the Adobe Connect chat function or
over the phone. Adobe Connect also will also allow the trainers to share any
resources that might be helpful.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 11:30 am - 12:30 pm ET
How to Connect:
Adobe Connect URL:
To join by phone:
1. Dial 734-615-7474 or 866-411-0013 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada
2. Use the PIN 0193311#
Dean Woodbeck
Education and Outreach Lead, InCommon
- [InCommon NOTICE] Fw: Shibboleth IdPv3 Office Hours Tues, July 12, Thomas Scavo, 07/11/2016
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