csp-2023 - [csp-2023] This Week at CSP - December 1, 2022
Subject: Collaboration Success Program 2023 - all participants
List archive
- From: Laura Paglione <>
- To: "" <>
- Cc: Sue Gavazzi <>
- Subject: [csp-2023] This Week at CSP - December 1, 2022
- Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2022 02:25:55 +0000
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Important NowAt Office Hours this week, we will be hearing a deep dive from Winston-Salem. We have a change in plans for the second half of our session. Given the very robust conversation we had two weeks ago, we’ll leave the second half of this week’s meeting as free-form discussion time. We will be using these discussions to help structure the speaker list for Jan-May. Looking forward to your feedback, questions, and insights! What you should be thinking about right now:
Upcoming DatesSee more dates on the CSP 2022-23 Calendar. Dec 5-9 - TechEx | CAMP Week (Denver, CO) - If you are going in person to TechEx Dec 5-9 in Denver, CO, please check with your institution’s CSP lead about the 2 limited registration codes/institution. Dec 6, 7:15 PM MT - Optional informal dinner for those at TechEx (Denver, CO) - We made a reservation at La Loma on Tuesday for anyone who would like to dine together. We will meet in the lobby of the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel (near the check-in desk) at 7:00 and take the short walk to the restaurant. Please see their website for prices, menus, and address. Participants to cover their own costs. Dec 8 - CAMP Week (No Office Hours) Dec 14 - Team Leads Check-in (3:00 ET | 12:00 PT) - See below Dec 15 17 - Office Hours + LAB (90 min) (12:30 ET | 12:00 PT) - We will be hearing our next Deep Dives with WCU and U of Virginia. Dec 22 - Office Hours (60 min) (12:30 ET | 12:00 PT) - We will be hearing our next Deep Dives with UMass-Amherst. We will spend the last 15 min of this session reviewing the expected office hours topics for after the 1st of the year. Dec 8 - End of Year Break (No Office Hours) Spring TrainingThe spring Academy schedule is set and registration links will be available soon. Contact Sue at for your training credit balance. Useful linksSLACK
ON DEMAND RESOURCES (registration required for some)
Leads CornerNext Leads Meeting: Wed, Nov 16 We have two topics for this meeting
PAST MEETINGS: Meeting recording and resources from the Oct 19 session are posted at the Leads Corner page in Canvas. COURSE REGISTRATION LINKS AND CODES: These are pinned in the #csp2023-teamleads Slack channel. |
- [csp-2023] This Week at CSP - December 1, 2022, Laura Paglione, 12/01/2022
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