ad-assurance - RE: [AD-Assurance] Questions for Microsoft and Friday's call
Subject: Meeting the InCommon Assurance profile criteria using Active Directory
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- From: "Capehart,Jeffrey D" <>
- To: "" <>
- Subject: RE: [AD-Assurance] Questions for Microsoft and Friday's call
- Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 14:03:16 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
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For a quick review of the questions on the list as of this morning:
My Thoughts: 1)
Bitlocker is for encryption at rest. Once the system boots up, the decryption key is available for each “block” on the disk. However, AD probably
keeps everything (UserID/password hashes/Kerberos keys) in memory for speedy authentications. Thus, Bitlocker is only protecting the data on the storage device so that if the computer were stolen or the drive removed, the data would be encrypted. AES is
always used so it would meet FIPS whether FIPS mode is on or off. 2)
Microsoft Strategy: I’m sure they want to get to NIST/FIPS compliance with their products. Clearly they are submitting them to the CMVP and Common
Criteria for evaluations and certifications. We should find out how far back the products are compliant such as VISTA or Server 2008 as a minimum? 3)
Storage of Authn Secret ( – see #1 for in memory, but the bigger question is the data storage --- is there any way to get Active Directory
to meet the Approved Algorithm requirements for encrypting the password database without turning on FIPS mode or using Bitlocker? Will FIPS mode even encrypt the password database with Approved Algorithms? 4)
Is there any way to configure Active Directory to allow one group of users to only use Kerberos authentication and approved algorithm ciphers while
allowing other users to still be able to use NTLM, LM, RC4-HMAC, etc? Having read through the Common Criteria evaluation of Windows 7 and Server 2008, it appears Microsoft submitted many documents (that were not made public) that
may go into the details we are looking for. Maybe Microsoft can find answers for us in some of these documents? 5 Documentation The following documentation was used as evidence for the evaluation of the Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2:
5.1 Design Documentation
1. Microsoft Windows Common Criteria Evaluation Security Architecture, September 13, 2010
2. Admin Tools
5. Active Directory Delegation of Control Wizard (June 24 2010).docx
6. Active Directory Domains and Trusts Snap-in (June 26 2010).docx
7. Active Directory Sites and Services (June 28 2010).docx
8. Audit Policy Command Line Interface (Mar 30 2010).docx
9. Authorization Manager (June 3 2010).docx
10. BitLocker Drive Encryption Control Panel (May 6 2010).docx
40. Routing and Remote Access Snap-in (July 13 2010).docx
41. SAM Lock Tool (May 7 2010).docx
59. Windows Authentication User Interface (September 10 2010).docx
67. Cryptographic Support
68. BitLocker Drive Encryption Service (Dec 02 2009).docx
264. Security
265. Active Directory Replication Management (September 11, 2010).docx
266. Core Directory Service (September 9, 2010).docx
267. Credential Manager (June 3, 2010).docx
268. Credential Security Support Provider (Aug 2, 2010).docx
269. Data Protection API (May 12, 2010).docx
270. Directory Services Role Management (June 4, 2010).docx
271. Encrypting File System Service (September 10, 2010).docx
272. Inter-Site Messaging (September 10, 2010).docx
273. KDC Service (Sep 08 2010).docx
274. Kerberos Security Package (Sep 08 2010).docx
275. Key Isolation Service (June 7, 2010).docx
276. LDAP (September 11, 2010).docx
277. LSA Audit (March 17, 2010).docx
278. LSA Authentication (August 5, 2010).docx
279. LSA Policy (September 10, 2010).docx
280. MAPI Based Directory Request (September 9, 2010).docx
281. Microsoft Authentication, V1.0 (Sep 08 2010).docx
282. Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider (May 13, 2010).docx
283. Microsoft Digest Access (June 2, 2010).docx
284. Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider (May 13, 2010).docx
285. Microsoft Smart Card Minidriver (July 08 2010).docx
286. Net Logon Services DLL (July 02, 2010).docx
287. NT Directory Service Backup and Restore (July 23, 2010).docx
288. PKI Trust Installation and Setup (May 3, 2010).docx
289. Protected Storage Server (May 12, 2010).docx
290. SAM Server (Sep 08 2010).docx
291. Secondary Logon Service (March 22, 2010).docx
292. TLS-SSL Security Provider (June 9, 2010).docx
293. Trust Signing APIs (May 21, 2010).docx
294. Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library (Sep 09 2010).docx
350. Winlogon
354. Local Session Manager (Apr 13 2010).docx
355. Secure Desktop with Credential User Interface (Apr 12 2010).docx
356. Syskey (May 24 2010).docx
357. Trust Verification APIs (Dec 22 2009).docx
358. Trusted Installer (Feb 23 2010).docx
360. Windows File Protection (Dec 28 2009).docx
361. Windows Logon Application (Sep 03 2010).docx
362. Windows Logon User Interface Host (Sep 03 2010).docx
SOURCE REFERENCE: Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2, Validation Report, Version 0.1 24 March 2011 7. Evaluated Configuration
The evaluated configuration was tested in the configuration identified in this section. The evaluation results are valid for the various realizable combinations of configurations of hardware and software listed
in this section. TOE Software Identification
– The following Windows Operating Systems (OS):
Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Edition (32-bit and 64-bit versions)
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (32-bit and 64-bit versions)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Itanium Edition
The following security updates and patches must be applied to the above Windows 7 products:
All security updates as of September 14, 2010 as well as the updates associated with security bulletins MS10-073 and MS10-085, and hotfix KB2492505.
The following security updates must be applied to the above Windows Server 2008 R2 products:
All security updates as of September 14, 2010 as well as the updates associated with security bulletins MS10-073 and MS10-085, and hotfix KB2492505.
From: [mailto:]
On Behalf Of David Walker Everyone, |
- RE: [AD-Assurance] Questions for Microsoft and Friday's call, Capehart,Jeffrey D, 05/03/2013
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